Monday, June 13, 2011

Blog Choice

Prediction for Game Seven of the 2011 NHL Playoffs:

With Game Seven set to start on Wednesday, both the Vancouver Canucks and the Boston Bruins are going to be fighting for the game of their lives. A game that will break history records. A game that will change careers. A game that will change lives. With Tim Thomas playing the most amazing games in his entire career, the Vancouver Canucks are going to have to be on their "A Game". From the mood of the Canucks and Bruins on Monday nights Game Six, I believe that Game Seven will be one of the most amazing games of NHL history. Both teams are going to be battling for their lives, their pride and their town's bragging rights. I predict that Cory Schneider will be in net for Vancouver. Due to Luongo's lac of saves in the past four games. Vancouver is fast and has many offensively talented players, but the Bruins are strong and physical. I believe that the Canucks will be able to pull it together and will bring the cup home for the entire town of Vancouver.

Writing a review

The Devinci Ollie is an amazing Mountain Bike. The light weight design truly brings out the best of downhill biking. This big frame is the perfect size for doing tricks and racing. This bike has 8 inch travel in both the front and rear suspension. It is nice to ride and fits rider weight up to 200lbs. The color is a classic black and has a white stripe down the side of the frame. This bike may look great and perform supreme excellence but it lacks durability. Two summers ago I purchased this bike, and within the first couple of months riding it the derail-er broke witch lead to me not being able to ride it. This proved to be a major flaw in the construction of this mountain bike. The company should have put a stronger metal on the derail-er to prevent this from happening regularly. When using this bike, one must give it tender loving care. This bike may be excellent in weight and speed but lacks the necessary durability of what a down hill bike needs to last more than a few months of riding.

The Road Less Travelled

I believe it is very important to be passionate about my job. Talking with adults I have found out that if you don't like you job then you are going to hate life. You definitely have to work at a job you are passionate about or else you will be bored your entire life. In the future I am hoping to become RCMP. There are no university courses that you have to take in order to get into the training part of the RCMP. However next year I am taking a course called "Criminal and Social Justice" which is a two year diploma course. This will just help me with background knowledge and help me learn more about why criminals do the things they do.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Creative Blog

Today in class I was told to complete a story in exactly fifty-five words. What kind of crazy teacher gives a class this kind of assignment? I sat there for hours trying to figure out what to write and finally an idea popped in my mind... I'll just write about how insane this assignment is!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Novel Research

The Slums in Mumbai have always existed. Even back in the time when the fort was developed, the native villages have always been close to slums. Slums have risen dramatically since 1950. Most of this is due to the fact that Mumbai's population has tripled in size since India's independence in 1947. Before 1950 the slums were predominately found around the mill. Instead of going away, the slums have just spread. From 1950-1968 the amount of slums increased by 18%. Health is a major issue in these areas. Today slum dwellers maake up 60% of Mumbai's population. That is approximately seven million people. The conditions in the slums are terrible. Lack of water, no sewage or solid waste facilities, lack of public transit, pollution and housing shortages.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Perception is everything

In the presentation by Beau Otto on Optical Illusions, he talks about how everything we see is not real, we only see things how they are perceived by our own eyes. A real life example of this is advertisements. Companies take different objects and put them in their adds to help their product look better to the human brain. If the advertisement is an add about a cruise ship, they will take a family smiling and having a blast, with a clear blue sky and the sun shining. Everything in the commercial is happy and everyone is having fun. This makes a person watching the commercial want to go on the trip because it looks like the most exciting thing in the whole world. Another example is photo shop into pictures. Movie producers will take a green screen so that they can change the background into the perfect background so that the viewer can enjoy the movie and so that the weather outside in movies is the way the producers want it. All things in life can be perceived differently be each and every human, and this is why everything we see is not real.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Dangers with Lack of Concern

In the story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, the author tells a story about "normal" townspeople. Jackson talks about a community that lives in the past, miles away from urban territory. The town doesn't have much other than a town square and a few farms. She makes the townspeople seem like your average people in the twenty first century. All of a sudden, Jackson reveals the towns true colors in a horrifically surprising ending. She makes it seem like the townspeople are just drawing lottery tickets for a huge prize such as money or something worth value. Then she decides to turn the opposite way and make the lottery ticket prize a one way ticket for no return. She makes the reader think that they are completely "normal" people, but then the people turn into murderers and kill one of the mothers in there town. An example of this in real life is The Holocaust. Hitler, made everyone in Germany believe that he was this "normal" man, but then he turned into a mass murderer and killed millions of people. Just like "The Lottery", Hitler seemed like a "normal" man and in the end of his life story, his life turns into a horrifically surprising ending.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Come up with ten reasons why you should skip bathing for a week

Everyone always says "You must shower or bath everyday to keep a clean hygienic lifestyle". But why? What purpose does showering or bathing serve? Why couldn't you wash your self every other day or once a week. I have ten reasons why you should skip bathing for a whole week.

1) Everyone knows the common fact that showering once a week would save water. In the past, families bathed once a week in the same bath tub to help save water for things like cooking and drinking.
2) It is also a proven that by not washing your hair for fourteen days, your hair will automatically start to clean itself.
3) A person only needs to clean them self if they are actually working and sweating. If a human has a job behind a desk all day and they never sweat or get dirty, then what's the point of cleaning yourself.
4) People might say "well if i don't shower, I am going to stink. And then no one will want to be around me. But, if everyone was encouraged to shower once a week, and everyone had a little bit of a smell to them, then there would be no problem.
5) People in third world countries only shower once a week, if not less and they are clean like everyone else in their communities.
6) With all of the technology we have these days, why can't someone invent a different way to wash yourself that allows someone to only have to bathe once a week.
7) If someone really wanted to clean themselves, they could wet a cloth and wipe them self off. Instead of wasting water and standing in a shower for ten-fifteen minutes.
8) As people grow up, they aren't like little kids anymore. They don't play in the dirt during recess, and so they don't get dirty everyday. So why take a bath everyday if your not dirty.
9) If people are worried about there smell if they didn't shower everyday, then they could use cologne or perfume.
10) Humans could also save a ton of money. Just think about it, no more using shampoo everyday, no more using a bar of soap everyday, and no more wasting water to wash the soaps off of you.

Now after all of those reasons........ Do people really need to bathe more than once a week?

Monday, February 28, 2011

21st century assignment

During my school career, from kindergarten to grade twelve, I have developed many different skills. Such as the basic skills of math, socials, science, and English. These classes have given me the opportunity to learn about the worlds past, learn about the different systems in my body, learn how to do different kinds of equations, and learn how to communicate, read and write. Then there are the types of skills that you can learn in classes like PE, woodwork, metal work, foods, computers, art, and bands. These types of courses give you skills that help you in your everyday life. However, I think the most important skills that you are going to need for after high school life are all of the skills you learn in English class. If you think about it, in English class you learn about things like how to read, how to write, how to communicate verbally with others around you, how to communicate in a job setting, and how to communicate in a job setting. All of these skills are skills that in the future will be very beneficial to you. In every job, a person will need to know how to communicate to other people, write things for their job and read things for every job. These are all of the basic skills of life and are indeed the most important skills that you are going to need for a post-high school life.

I definitely think that I am learning these skills in high school. If in high school I never learned how to write a proper essay, I wouldn’t know how to write an essay if I ever needed one for my job in the future. If I never learned how to read in high school, my vocabulary would be very limited. If in high school I never learned how to communicate with others, it would have a huge impact on the rest of my life.

The perfect high school for my life would be very difficult to describe. But it would be interesting for all students of all different learning styles. You would never hear in the hallways students saying to each other “Why do we need to learn this? How am I ever going to apply this to my future? What is the point of this subject?” Kids would want to be in school and learn the subjects that they are being taught. The reason for this is because in my perfect high school there would be a wide range of all classes. Instead of breaking down the classes into more specific topic classes in only grade twelve, I would break down into those specific topics in grade nine. This would create more interest in a student’s daily high school learning. They would want to go to a class like socials because the class only focuses on the topics they like. For me I always despised the history topic in socials class. Whenever the topic started, it would always bring my mark down because I just wasn’t interested in the subject. And because of this I always had to somehow struggle through the topic and try and get a good mark in it. As soon as I got into grade twelve and was able to drop the history part of socials and only focus on the geography part of socials, my mark always stayed in the 90-100% range because I was interested in the topic and was able to succeed in learning the material that I needed to learn. My perfect high school would also get rid of tests. Tests don’t show what a student knows. It limits the student to only a few of the parts in the chapter that they have to know for the test, and if they don’t know that one specific part of the chapter, then they get the whole question or section of the test wrong.

Next year I hopefully will be going to University. I have applied to UBC-O for Human Kinetics and I am wanting to either do the four years of Human Kinetics and then be a cop, or finish the last two years and become a physiotherapist.

Walk A Paragraph In Someone Else's Shoes

"It's a beautiful day today here in Penticton. The sun is shinning and it is still only 6:30 in the morning." My radio cried out to me telling me to get up and get ready for another hard day at work. Today feels different though. My son has been crying since 4:15 this morning. I am so tired. Even though I want to stay home I have to go to work so that I can support my family and pay for all of my son's extra curricular activities. As I hopped in the shower and got ready for work, my son Sammy came running in to my room. He was still crying about his nightmare he had earlier this morning. Every morning when I put my Starbucks uniform on, I remember my wife and Sammy. Every thing I do is for them. I always put 110% into both of my jobs. Working two jobs is really stressful, especially with the long hours everyday. But I have to do it to show my family that I love them. As I left my apartment, I got onto the bus and headed for work. When I got to Starbucks my boss handed me a pink shirt and told me to put it on. She said it was for the "anti-bullying day".
What does she know about "anti-bullying"? She is always picking on her employees and bossing them around. But hey, if I want to keep this job to help support my family, then I have to do what she wants. As I continued making drinks for the hundreds of customers that morning, I noticed a young teenage boy walk in the doors. He came and ordered a drink from me and then waited as I made it for him. When I handed it to him, he said "thanks" in a really happy tone of voice. He then proceeded to tell me how his home life wasn't that great, and he really liked coming to Starbucks to get out of all the commotion back at home. He said how he loved the friendly atmosphere in Starbucks whenever he came in for a coffee. It made me realize how even though I knew my life wasn't that great at home and with trying to work two jobs to support my wife and kid, I was still able to make a change in this young boys life. It made me able to lift my head back up and be able to tell myself that everything was going to be okay. And I don't have to worry about anything because it will all work out in the end.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Superpower Blog

If I could have a superpower it would be teleportation. With teleportation I could accomplish so many different things. Such as the common know fact that you could go anywhere you wanted, when you wanted to. I could get home from school, do my homework, and go to Germany before dinner. I would never have to pay thousands of dollars for a plane ticket ever again, and I would never have to sit in the uncomfortable plane seats ever again. I could just stand in my room and instantly go anywhere in the world that I wanted to. For example, if in Penticton it was really cold and windy one day and I was just stuck indoors all day, I could teleport to Hawaii or Australia and then I could go enjoy the nice hot sun. I would never have to book another vacation. I could just take off to the other side of the world when ever I wanted to. It would also be beneficial because I could help stop villains. If a villain was trying to attack me, I could teleport behind him, sneak up and then take him down from there. With having the superpower of super strength, all I could do with that is throw objects far or punch objects extremely hard. If I had the power to fly, I could only fly places and it would still take just as long as a plane if not longer. With the superpower of invisibility, all it would help is being invisible. I wouldn't be able to travel anywhere or move destinations at exceptionally high speeds. With all of this said, teleportation is in fact the best superpower in the whole world.