Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Come up with ten reasons why you should skip bathing for a week

Everyone always says "You must shower or bath everyday to keep a clean hygienic lifestyle". But why? What purpose does showering or bathing serve? Why couldn't you wash your self every other day or once a week. I have ten reasons why you should skip bathing for a whole week.

1) Everyone knows the common fact that showering once a week would save water. In the past, families bathed once a week in the same bath tub to help save water for things like cooking and drinking.
2) It is also a proven that by not washing your hair for fourteen days, your hair will automatically start to clean itself.
3) A person only needs to clean them self if they are actually working and sweating. If a human has a job behind a desk all day and they never sweat or get dirty, then what's the point of cleaning yourself.
4) People might say "well if i don't shower, I am going to stink. And then no one will want to be around me. But, if everyone was encouraged to shower once a week, and everyone had a little bit of a smell to them, then there would be no problem.
5) People in third world countries only shower once a week, if not less and they are clean like everyone else in their communities.
6) With all of the technology we have these days, why can't someone invent a different way to wash yourself that allows someone to only have to bathe once a week.
7) If someone really wanted to clean themselves, they could wet a cloth and wipe them self off. Instead of wasting water and standing in a shower for ten-fifteen minutes.
8) As people grow up, they aren't like little kids anymore. They don't play in the dirt during recess, and so they don't get dirty everyday. So why take a bath everyday if your not dirty.
9) If people are worried about there smell if they didn't shower everyday, then they could use cologne or perfume.
10) Humans could also save a ton of money. Just think about it, no more using shampoo everyday, no more using a bar of soap everyday, and no more wasting water to wash the soaps off of you.

Now after all of those reasons........ Do people really need to bathe more than once a week?

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